1.Name of Applicant: Fill name of Applicant as mentioned on the Aadhaar Card."आधार कार्ड में उल्लिखित आवेदक का नाम भरें।"
2.Social Category: Select the Social Category of applicant from the given options."आवेदक की सामाजिक श्रेणी का चयन करें।"
3.Name of Enterprise / Business: Fill the name of Business / Enterprise which will get printed on MSME Certificate."यहां अपने व्यवसाय के नाम का उल्लेख करें। यह नाम MSME प्रमाणपत्र पर मुद्रित किया जाएगा।"
4.Type of Organization: Select the type of organization from the given options which will get printed on MSME Certificate.
"दिए गए विकल्पों में से संगठन के प्रकार का चयन करें।"
5.PAN: Fill 10 Digit PAN Number in case of Limited Liability Partnership / Co-operative / Private Limited / Public Limited. PAN Number is optional in case of Proprietorship Firm / Hindu Undivided Family / Partnership Firm / Self Help Group "यहां बिजनेस पैन का उल्लेख करें। प्रोप्राइटरशिप के मामले में प्रोप्राइटर का पैन उल्लेख करें।"
6.Office Address : Please provide office address, if address other than plant location."दिए गए क्षेत्रों में ठीक से आधिकारिक पता लिखे |"
7.Mobile No : Fill the correct Mobile Number of Applicant."आवेदक का सही मोबाइल नंबर यहां लिखें। "
8.Mail ID : Fill the correct Mail ID of Applicant. "यहां अपनी सही ईमेल आईडी का उल्लेख करें।"
9.Date of Commencement of Business : Fill the date of Commencement of Business which will get printed on MSME Certificate. "व्यवसाय शुरू करने की तारीख का उल्लेख यहां करें।"
10.Bank Account Number : Fill the Applicant’s bank account number."यहां अपने बैंक खाता नंबर का उल्लेख करें।"
11.Bank IFSC Code : Fill the Applicant Bank IFSC Code. The IFSC code is printed on the Cheque Books."अपने बैंक IFSC कोड को यहां लिखें।"
12.Main Business Activity of Enterprise : Select the Main Business activity from the given options."अपनी मुख्य व्यावसायिक गतिविधि चुनें।"
13.Additional details about Business : Fill Additional details about business. (For example manufacturing of Food Products, Computer programing, Software development)"व्यवसाय के बारे में अतिरिक्त जानकारी भरें।"
14.Number of employees : Fill total number of people been employed."आपके संगठन में कार्यरत कर्मचारियों की संख्या का उल्लेख करें।"
MSME stands for micro small and medium enterprises as the MSME’S Plays vital role in the Indian economy and also contributes in GDP, government has categorised the MSME’s in following ways,
We can treat the enterprise as MICRO under the MSME if e the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed one crore rupees and turnover does not exceed five crore rupees;
The enterprise will be termed as SMALL under the MSME if the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed ten crore rupees and turnover does not exceed fifty crore rupees.
Medium enterprise will be under the MSME if the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed fifty crore rupees and turnover does not exceed two hundred and fifty crore rupees.
From 1 July 2020, government changed the name of Udyog aadhar/MSME/Udyog aadhar Certificate to UDYAM, Procedure of registration for MSME is also changed and the certificate named as Udyam Certificate. Udyam is a registration number and conclusively we can say that udyam is udyam certificate issued to business who opted for the registration on the udyam portal online.
There is no any specific provisions that, businesses are mandatorily required to register themselves under the udyam, if any enterprise need the certificate of udyam or MSME for specific purpose such as for opening bank account, applying for loan getting concession in trademark registration then MSME udyam registration certificate is required and enterprise needs to register themselves on the udyam portal. Further government is giving many benefits to the msme udyam registration certificate holders such as protection against delayed payments to udyam/msme certificate holders, concession in trademark application and many more.
The procedure for udyam aadhar registration online is very simple, as the government is introduced the online registration process for the registration of udyam/msme/udyog aadhar we need to follow the procedure prescribed procedure, further we as a consultant provides services for the registration and further takes steps for delivering the certificate to our customer in minimum cost. If you want to apply from our end then simply applicant is required to fill the form on our website for udyam/msme udyog aadhar application and after receiving the form and payment we will start the registration process and arrange to deliver the certificate of MSME/udyam/udyog aadhar registration on the registered email id of the customer.
The Procure for Application of MSME/UDYAM is as follows:
As the process of udyam/msme/udyog aadhar registration online is very simple and hassle free, no document is required for the registration further this complete process is paperless and udyam/msme/udyog certificate will be issued online only. Further while registering for udyam applicant shall be prepare with the Aadhar in case of Proprietor and in case of other then proprietor any director aadhar is required. Also PAN is required for the registration purpose of Udyam or msme application. But again, one is not required to submit or upload this particular documents anywhere and also applicant is not required to visit anywhere for making udyam msme application.
As already explained in above point that process of udyam/msme/ udyog aadhar is online and paperless also the certificate of Registration of udyam will also be issued online only, after filling complete for on the government website and completing the OTP verification at the end of registration process for the msme udyam the certificate of udyam will be generated if soft copy, further you can verify the udyam details on the online portal and also it is possible to download the said msme udyam certificate any time in the lifetime from the government website by verifying the mobile OTP registered at the time of doing registration for the udyam/msme/udyog aadhar registration.
Certificate of MSME Udyam has a lifetime validity and no periodic renewal is required, further one can make changes to the existing certificate of Udyam/MSME as per the requirement, it is possible to change everything in the existing certificate of udyam except district.