1.Name of Applicant: Fill Full name of Applicant ."आवेदक का नाम भरें।"
2.Social Category: Select the Social Category of applicant from the given options."आवेदक की सामाजिक श्रेणी का चयन करें।"
3.Name of Enterprise / Business: Fill the name of Business / Enterprise which will get printed on MSME Certificate."यहां अपने व्यवसाय के नाम का उल्लेख करें। यह नाम MSME प्रमाणपत्र पर मुद्रित किया जाएगा।"
4.Type of Organization: Select the type of organization from the given options which will get printed on MSME Certificate.
"दिए गए विकल्पों में से संगठन के प्रकार का चयन करें।"
5.PAN: Fill 10 Digit PAN Number in case of Limited Liability Partnership / Co-operative / Private Limited / Public Limited. PAN Number is optional in case of Proprietorship Firm / Hindu Undivided Family / Partnership Firm / Self Help Group "यहां बिजनेस पैन का उल्लेख करें। प्रोप्राइटरशिप के मामले में प्रोप्राइटर का पैन उल्लेख करें।"
6.Office Address : Please provide office address, if address other than plant location."दिए गए क्षेत्रों में ठीक से आधिकारिक पता लिखे |"
7.Mobile No : Fill the correct Mobile Number of Applicant."आवेदक का सही मोबाइल नंबर यहां लिखें। "
8.Mail ID : Fill the correct Mail ID of Applicant. "यहां अपनी सही ईमेल आईडी का उल्लेख करें।"
9.Date of Commencement of Business : Fill the date of Commencement of Business which will get printed on MSME Certificate. "व्यवसाय शुरू करने की तारीख का उल्लेख यहां करें।"
10.Bank Account Number : Fill the Applicant’s bank account number."यहां अपने बैंक खाता नंबर का उल्लेख करें।"
11.Bank IFSC Code : Fill the Applicant Bank IFSC Code. The IFSC code is printed on the Cheque Books."अपने बैंक IFSC कोड को यहां लिखें।"
12.Main Business Activity of Enterprise : Select the Main Business activity from the given options."अपनी मुख्य व्यावसायिक गतिविधि चुनें।"
13.Additional details about Business : Fill Additional details about business. (For example manufacturing of Food Products, Computer programing, Software development)"व्यवसाय के बारे में अतिरिक्त जानकारी भरें।"
14.Number of employees : Fill total number of people been employed."आपके संगठन में कार्यरत कर्मचारियों की संख्या का उल्लेख करें।"
Considering the Indian Scenario many business falls under the category of MSME, simply MSME stands for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises. The government of India has taken many bold steps for encouraging the MSME’S in India. For getting benefits of schemes launched by the government businesses are required to register itself under the MSME, business owners need to follow the online procedure, process of application for udyog certificate is very simple and totally online.
Further for applying to MSME Certificate there is no need to submit any documents, simply we need to fill form for the certificate and after successful verification from the concerned authorities the certificate will be generated. We are the leading service providers in this area,
We provide end to end online services to Indian businesses for obtaining certificate, For the same application form is provided on our website and any person who wants to apply udyog certificate needs to fill the form on our website. As the substantial part of the economy of India leads by the MSME and hence government is also promoting the small, micro and medium business but for getting benefits said enrollment is compulsory.
This udyog certificate will help business in many ways, having a the certificate will result reduction in electricity bill also this application will help the business to apply for trademark in only 50% fees, We provide services to customers by following the below procedure.
Further we are providing the lifetime free support for our customers, applicant is required to pay once in a lifetime and any changes in the said certificate will be free of cost, furthe certificate is no expiry and its valid for lifetime. This certificate will be issued by the Ministry. Further it is important to note here that Udyog /Udyam and MSME are the same, formerly udyam was known as MSME but through notification government has changed the name to udyam and now it is known as udyam.
For applying, there is no requirement of any documents, further while applying for the same one should keep in mind that PAN and other details are required, in case of private limited company company’s pan is required, any of the director PAN is required, further for generating certificate we need to fill the form on the portal in order to get enrolled, while applying for MSME/Udyam verification is also mandatory, applicant is required to verify while making application, verification shall be done initially while starting the application and also while submitting the application, further also at the time of printing or generating the certificate verification is required.
Considering the facts process is slightly difficult and layman can face issues while filing the form for the application, we as a consultants makes the process easier of making application, applicant is required to fill the form on website, form is very simple and only basic details are required for the filling the form, after getting form from the customer we start process of application, we make verifications on behalf of client and further we call to customer in order to verify the same, after successful verification for the application we process further, we fill all the details and generate the certificate, after generating the certificate we mail the said certificate to our customer and further we provide lifetime free support in terms of any modification, addition or deletion to the existing certificate.
certificate is valid for lifetime and there is no any requirement of periodic renewal, further we can make changes to the existing certificate at any given point of time.